

1. Everyone has equal opportunity and right to participate in any school activity.

2. Provide appropriate support to students with special education needs, ensuring that every student has the chance to provoke their potentials. At the same time to promote mutual respect among teachers and students throughout the school, and create an inclusive campus environment.



SEN coordinator, supporting teachers, subject teachers, social workers, psychological counselors, student counselors, and teaching assistants.

Photos of activities

本校輔導組及融合教育組與香港青年服務處合作,於23/5舉辦了午間五感互動展覽。學生於午膳時間在地面禮堂參與活動,在過程中,學生可以運用不同的感官去回應個人的情緒狀態。其中,「香水實驗室」及「尋找希望」的攤位中,學生可自製個人化的香水及與好友拍攝即影即有照片。在活動中,學生能明白到有情緒壓力時,身邊有不同的資源可以支援自己。 活動收回約90份問卷,派發了約120枝個人化香水及100張即影即有照片。活動整體氣氛熱烈,學生積極參與不同的互動項目,享受各個攤位。
Address: Kam Tsin Village, Sheung Shui, N.T.
Tel: 2670 0443
Fax: 2679 0161
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